Wednesday, June 29, 2011

16 at Heart

Backstreets Back Alright! So it took no convincing to go see the NKTOBSB show, even if it meant driving down to San Antonio. Sara picked me up early from work and we had the best mini road trip. We arrived early enough for dinner on the Riverwalk and discovered that everything really is bigger in Texas, I'd like to think everyones heads kept turning because of our good looks but it was obviously our margaritas getting all the attention ;)

Another Texas touch was discovered as soon as we walked into the arena, cutest bathroom sign I've ever seen:
But on to the good stuff, or should I say Right Stuff ;) NKOTB took that stage and everyone, including us, were screaming like teenagers. Oh how I love boys bands! The concert was the best I've seen in ages, NKTOBSB really know how to put on a good show!!!

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