This winter we have focused all our efforts on mastering our skiing abilities! But we soon learned that Shaun's last name isn't White and I myself had a dose of reality when I ate it on Hot Dog Hill, 10 points for the landing and negative 30 for the tumble there after!
Our trip to Park City for New Years really lit the fire so we rallied up the troops to celebrate Meredith's Birthday on the ski slopes in West Virginia. We had a great time skiing at Snowshoe and partying it up for Meredith's BDay, minus the fact our birthday girl dissed us?!?! Not really the poor birthday girl got the flu and had to miss her own party. Happy Birthday Meredith, we'll make sure next years is more memorable!
But to really earn my Snow Bunny status we had to take yet another trip to Vermont and ski Okemo. I thought I was a pro after skiing out West but it's here were my legs started to shake and buckle underneath my attempts at jumps. Oh well, it was all worth it to hang out at the new Eriksson/Tuncel Chalet! And to make things even more exciting, I finally got to show Shaun my roots at UMASS. While some like to reminisce about their classes, hangouts, etc. Muge and I focused the tour around our favorite food establishments =) We did subject the boys to a trip down memory lane though visiting Kappa and our house on Stockbridge Street. They certainly were troopers as we enjoyed the excursion 10 times more than they did, you can tell by our trip to the Campus Store!!!