Friday, April 24, 2009

Four Murphy's

We headed down to Richmond this past weekend to celebrate Marc and Ami’s expected arrival. It was a gorgeous weekend with sun, friends and fun! The boys headed out for some fishing and baseball while the girls showered Ami with baby gifts. Let’s just say times have changed because the pregnant attendees outnumbered us. It’s not all that bad though, it just left more champagne for Jenni, Meghan and I. The Stiffler’s (yes Jenni will one day be referred to as Stiffler’s mom) opened their home to us and we continued the festivities with a BBQ afterwards. They’re amazing cooks so we spent the rest of the evening feasting and laughing around the fire pit. We couldn’t have asked for a better night catching up with all our friends, if only we all still lived in the same town!

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