Friday, November 12, 2010

House Hunting

So our lease ended in October and we decided to go month to month to keep our options open. We've been toying around with the idea of buying a home in Virginia or picking up and starting new somewhere else. Well the idea of a fun new adventure together won out, so if you didn't pick up on the hint in our earlier post brace yourself, we're moving to Austin! Shaun and I fell in love with the city a few years ago and it's always been in the back of our mind as an option for places to live. The stars started to align after our trip to ACL and we've decided it's the right time for us to make the big move.

Shaun was given the opportunity to transfer to Austin with work so I took advantage of the Veterans Day holiday and flew down to Austin to house hunt. And I'm so excited to introduce our new neighbors in Austin...

Yes, that's right The Richards just moved to Austin at the end of October for a short-term project with Banner. I'll keep my fingers crossed that short-term turns into long-term! So with job security and the idea of having the best neighbors in the world that really made the move that much easier to do. We're going to miss our family and friends in Virginia so much but can't wait to come back to visit and host everyone out in the great state of Texas as well!


  1. Yay, such exciting news! Can't wait to live in the same town together again! (We'll pretend my comment is from back in November, hee hee)
