Friday, July 12, 2013


I was heading out to San Diego for my last work trip and final flight before baby arrives.  But don't worry the surprise isn't that baby arrived early it was that my amazing coworkers threw me a surprise baby shower.  I was honestly shocked because they pulled out all the stops.  They blacked out the windows on our conference room so I couldn't see all of the decorations, treats and pressies.  Then while at the shower they decorated my cube.  I mean they really went all out, we played games, enjoyed punch & homemade treats, indulged in Sprinkles cupcakes, was spoiled with all sorts of gifts including handmade blankets and sweaters, and the generosity didn't stop there the whole gang chipped in to get us our fancy dancy stroller.  I love my team and company and really feel like I have a second home and family out in California!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, the stroller!!! How amazing are they! What a nice little surprise all of that was :)
